As has been stated, money operates in circles from birth by the issuer to death
by the issuer. In other words, money circulation is a credit chain in which the
issuer is the first and last link. The intermediate links accept it and pass it
on, in the expectation that its implied promise of value will be redeemed by
the issuer, who was the first to receive value therefore—though his
identity is unknown. There is no way of determining when the issuer will redeem
a sum equivalent to his issue, but since his credit, i.e. his power to issue
money, is limited in both time and amount, he is obliged to bid for money by
offering his goods or services on the market at competitive prices. Two factors
are therefore indispensable to a monetary system—limitation of issue
power, and competition.
Under the prevailing political monetary system, neither of these two factors is
present in the so-called money issues of the state. Hence, they are not money.
The state dominates the monetary system and authorizes itself to emit issues to
any extent it chooses. Yet on the other hand, it offers nothing on the market
with which to redeem them. Though legal by statutory law, such issues are
illegal by natural law.
The state's legal counterfeit acts upon the money circulation precisely the same
as illegal counterfeit issues of private criminals. But it is much more
serious, because the latter, when detected, can be extracted from the
circulation, whereas state issues are indistinguishable from real money and,
because legalized and unlimited, do infinitely more damage.
The effect of counterfeit in the money circulation is to water it, or inflate
it, thus reducing the power of each unit. This is reflected in a higher price
level for goods and services. Just as water in milk increases the volume of
liquid, thus requiring a larger volume for a given amount of food value, so
injection of counterfeit in the money circulation reduces the power of each
unit. It is a mistake, therefore, to say that the state has increased the money
supply or increased purchasing power. It has merely devalued the unit and
increased the number of units, without affecting the total money supply. With a
greater number of monetary units bidding for a given supply of goods, the power
of each unit must decline, i.e. prices must rise. This is the law of
competition working its inevitable result.
While the whole money supply includes all the units accounted for in commercial
bank and savings bank accounts and currency in circulation, it is only that sum
that comes into the market that invokes the influence of competition. Money in
the market, and goods in the market, determine the power of the unit or the
price of goods. Therefore, the effect of false issues is not fully manifested
while there are idle reserves and government securities outstanding that
promise further units on conversion. If buyer panic should ensue and these
reserves should suddenly be brought into the market, havoc would result.
When the state issues a large amount of professed money, it defers the reaction
thereto by inducing the people to "save," that is, to keep from
testing the power of the diluted unit in the market. Thus it puts off the day
of reckoning, but creates the hazard of later sudden and cataclysmic results of
its spurious money issues.
The state, having no power to issue money, cannot establish a money circulation
by itself. It can only gain power for its issues by mingling them with the
genuine money issued by traders. The state must therefore set up a system
whereunder true money is issued by personal enterprisers, as a basis for
exploiting the economy with its own issues. This is the political monetary
system. It will continue to plague society until the people learn to separate
money and state.
Through mock money issues, the state not only taxes the people covertly by
extracting goods and services through the process of "purchasing"
with worthless paper, but it also disturbs exchange by causing the power of the
unit to undergo frequent changes in value, thus making it impossible for
tradesmen to enter into advance commitments without great hazard or to
determine accurately their costs and income. It would be deemed intolerable if
the state could and did proclaim a changed power of the unit frequently and
without notice, yet this effect is actually what it does covertly bring about
through issuing its professed money into the circulation.
This ability of governments to inject counterfeit issues into the circulation is
the basis of their power to deliver wealth to pressure groups at the expense of
the rest of the community. This insidious taxation underlies the whole trend
toward the confiscation of wealth and the governmentalization of personal
enterprise. It robs Peter, all unknown to him, to subsidize Paul, who is
gratefully conscious of government largess. There comes now socialists,
communists, fascists and sundry other schemers to confuse Peter who, regardless
of which ism he chooses as a remedy is sure to blame business for his ills.
Since government always poses before the people as their protector, obviously
the thing to do is to give it more power to guard the public against
"chiselers," "profiteers," "black marketers," and
other wolves of business. Thus business prestige declines as political
propaganda deflects upon it the blame that should fall upon government.
There is no war of ideologies. There is but an epidemic of pressure-group
larcenies perpetrated against the bewildered public by means of counterfeit
money. The beneficiaries of these raids would fear to issue counterfeit by
their own hands, but when government does it for them, they readily join
pressure groups to tap the seemingly inexhaustible fountain. Collectivist
propaganda is but a collateral force in promoting seizures and controls. The
influence that brings it about is the enticement offered by government of
getting something for nothing. As citizens are too weak to resist this
enticement, so politicians are too weak not to offer it, for to refuse
"benefits" is to risk loss of office. The corrupting power of
government largess cannot be allowed to continue if the social order is to
avert complete demoralization.
To obscure the logical consequence of injecting into the money stream billions
of counterfeit units, governments resort to suppressive price controls. With
the operation of the law of supply and demand, which is cardinal to free
exchange, thus impeded, industry becomes atrophied, thereby developing a public
demand for government operation. The sin of counterfeiting leads government to
one vice after another in an effort to escape the consequences of the original
sin. It is this fleeing from the consequences of past errors, rather than
consciously pursuing a goal, that is bringing dictatorship upon us. Government
is being transformed by escapism into a tyranny of expediency. This explains
the seeming paradox of the constant trend toward dictatorship in the face of
official declarations espousing liberty.
The first act of the ambitious politician is to grasp the "money"
issuing power of government. By this means he literally buys his way to his
objectives. Its value to him lies in the fact that through it he can escape
public resistance to taxation. To balance the budget requires that the cost of
each project be immediately revealed to the electorate through obvious
taxation. By counterfeiting money, he not only escapes the sales resistance to
his projects, but he even creates the illusion of prosperity by the temporary
stimulus given to business by spending. Of course, an unbalanced budget means
merely deferred taxation, through inflated prices, but it can be deferred until
the objective is attained, and, even then, blame can be escaped by crying
"stop thief" at private business.
Examine the methods of any and every dictator or would-be dictator or blundering
escapist, and we find that his essential tool is money counterfeiting. All else
is propaganda and stage property. Without this tool, government would be
compelled to be honest and frugal, because every citizen resists taxation if it
does not fool him.
Without the money-counterfeiting tool of government, there could be no war
except by popular mandate, because the price would have to be consciously and
immediately paid. The would-be war maker first of all conquers and subdues his
own people by the narcotic of counterfeit money. If the people would hold the
veto power of war, they must deny to their government the power to counterfeit
Nor does communism necessarily come upon a people through a political coup or
revolution. Its most insidious and dangerous process is evolutionary by means
of counterfeit money, in spite of lip service sincerely rendered by politicians
and reassuringly accepted by the people. To issue counterfeit dollars into the
money stream is to reduce the power of all other dollars, and thus the frugal
elements of the community are continuously drained and the communistic aim of
leveling wealth is accomplished. As this process of robbing the productive
proceeds, it destroys the incentive to production and thus sabotages personal
The resultant impoverization and demoralization is not attributed by the public
to the government issue of mock money. The blame falls upon the personal
enterprise system. Thus the public mind becomes conditioned to turn from
personal enterprise and to look to government for salvation, and this produces
the popular support for the assumption by government of the means of production
and distribution. Under the confusing and confounding term inflation, which is
caused by government counterfeit in the money circulation, communization is
actually proceeding and being blindly supported by personal enterprisers who
think they are operating under a free economy. Under the mock money process,
our so-called free economy is but a transmission belt to communism.
Monetary power is man's sovereign power. He must exert it and protect it if he
would govern government and commerce and gain mastery of life. Without such
mastery, we cannot have democracy, we cannot have prosperity, we cannot have
Due to the general ignorance of the laws of money, men have not been alerted to
the danger to both the economy and the state in admitting the latter to
participation in the monetary system. In America there had been, in the
experience of both the Colonies and the Continental Government, the evil of
government currency issues, and for that reason the Constitutional Convention
deliberately voted down the proposition to permit the Government to issue
currency, or what was then called "bills of credit".*
But it was not clear and is not clear to most people today, that the power to
"borrow" money from a commercial bank is actually the power to create
money. Therefore striking from:
Art. 1, Sec. 8, Par 5. "Congress shall have power to coin money,
regulate the value thereof and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights
and measures."
the words, "and emit bills of credit," did not, as was intended, deny
the Government the right to exert the issue power, because of the insertion of
the following clause:
Art. 1, Sec. 8, Par 2. "Congress shall have power to borrow money
on the credit of the United States."
This latter clause, if interpreted as the power to borrow already created money
from the people, and not from commercial banks, would be consistent with the
intent of the Constitution makers to deny the Government the power to create
"money," or, speaking more clearly, the power to counterfeit, since,
as we have seen, no statutory law can empower a government to issue money in
contravention of the natural law that only a competitive trader can be a money
issuer. But this clause did not limit the Government to borrowing actually
existing money, but authorized "borrowing" from commercial banks.
This power, when exerted by a competitive trader, is the power to create money;
on the part of government, it is the power to counterfeit money.
Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 5, quoted above, is popularly
misinterpreted as a grant of power to issue. But the debates over the clause,
as evidenced by the decision to strike the words, "emit bills of
credit," show that the clause was intended merely to grant power to
stipulate what should be the coin of the realm, and to mint (but not emit)
coins from metal brought to the mint by private owners. Congress has never
interpreted this clause otherwise, and consequently no malpractice has resulted
there from.
Prior to the Civil War, the Government borrowed very little money, and if any
portion thereof was "borrowed" from banks, it was trivial. But with
the coming of the Civil War, a step was taken that its proponent, Salmon P.
Chase, Secretary of the Treasury, admitted was unconstitutional, though he
justified it on the grounds of great emergency. The Government, for the first
time, emitted "bills of credit," commonly called
"greenbacks." However, these were in modest amounts, and even
presently the total issue of currency by the Government is a modest amount
compared to its loading the circulation with "borrowed" money through
checks drawn on banks which go to inflate bank deposits and the circulation.
We cannot, however, be precise as to the authorship of our 28 billions of
currency, for as previously stated, the identity of the issuer of currency is
lost in the process of transforming a check draft into currency. We cannot know
what part sprang from checks that were drawn against deposits created by
Government "borrowings" from banks, but we do know that the part that
bears only the Government's name (mostly silver certificates) is only about
four billion dollars. The balance are Federal Reserve notes which, though
bearing the Government's "guarantee," are nevertheless the liability
of the Federal Reserve banks whose name they bear. The common mistake is to
count only currency bills and coins as money, whereas the total money supply
includes all bank deposits, commercial and savings. Money springs from a ledger
account on the books of a central bookkeeper under the present system, a
commercial bank, and its initial form is a check, from which currency springs.
Because only the lesser portion of business is transacted by currency, the
greater amount of the money supply remains in bank deposits and is transferred
by means of checks.
At the beginning of this chapter, we stated that the two essentials for a money
issuer are limitation of issue and competitive trading, and we also stated that
governments give nothing in exchange for their issue. That there is no
limitation to government issues, and that it does not bid in the market for the
redemption of money, is patent. But the reader may take exception to the
statement that it gives nothing in exchange for the money (taxes) it collects.
Government "service" consists mostly of disservice, but whatever its
actual service may or may not be, it does not offer it in exchange, i.e. the
citizen has no option to take it or leave it. Since there is no way to
determine what constitutes service except by voluntary, competitive exchange,
and since governments are not subject, in their performance, to such a test, we
have no way of separating government service from government disservice.
Therefore the relation between a government and its citizen is not an exchange,
but an exaction, and exaction or confiscation is no substitute for competitive
bidding. The latter is an absolute essential to qualify a money issuer, because
competition is a process of valuation, and it is only in this way that
equivalent value can be assured in the redemption or recapture of money equal
to that received in its issue, and hence assure the stability of the monetary
Nevertheless, the evil of government "money" issue would not be so bad
if the state recovered in taxes a sum equivalent to its issue, i.e. balanced
its budget. But the practice of issuing is so seductive as to virtually rule
out such a possibility. It is a disguised and secret method of taxation that is
a great danger to both the economy and the state. Instead of being obliged to
tax the citizenry by the obvious method of extracting money sufficient to meet
its expenses and thereby encountering a wholesome resistance, the state appears
before the electorate not as an extractor of money, but as a supplier. Thus has
come about the idea that by spending on any project, worthy or otherwise, the
government "increases the money supply" and benefits the economy.
In the absence of citizen resistance, there is an Open Sesame to all manner of
spending, lending and subsidizing schemes, leading to the subversion not only
of democratic government, but of that greater and more vital democracy, the
personal enterprise system. Neither can survive if the state employs a
surreptitious system of taxation such as "money" issuance and, thus,
confounds the electorate on the actual cost and abuses of government.
The history of money is a record of miscarriage resulting from the sometimes
perfidious and often naive cooperation between bankers and politicians.
Invariably, it has produced economic disaster. As long as political monetary
systems exist, such alliances will continue and the evil fruit thereof prevail.
The separation of money and state will render impossible any coalition of
political planners and financial schemers, national or international. The clear
stream of wholesome monetary practice will no longer be clouded by fallacy and
intrigue. Instead of basing money upon political laws and license, the
nonpolitical monetary system will rest upon principle, governed by natural law,
in which no delegated powers will be subject to capture by either fools or
knaves, leaving to the people the full and free exercise of their inherent
powers of production and exchange.
The spirit of brotherhood among all men keeps pressing for union. This
aspiration, with its ideal of peace and prosperity for all, seeks its
realization through universal political government which, however, cannot be
accomplished without diminishing the sovereign powers of existing national
states. As previously pointed out, the state, regardless of the ideals of its
founding and the belief in its protective function which lies deep in the minds
of all peoples, is nevertheless the agent of exploitative groups who invoke it
to thwart the operation of natural laws. It is not, as now operating, the
upholder of law and the protector of society, but the breaker of law and the
enemy of the social order. Yet this has not come about by the conscious design
of any evil geniuses. The state is itself the victim of a maladjustment as a
result of the general ignorance of money.
If it were possible to federalize the existing nations, nothing would be
accomplished if the present political monetary system continued to be operated
by the constituent states or even exclusively by the federated state. The new
structure would still be an instrument for special interests against the public
interest, since it could and would still exert its power to counterfeit money
and, thus, demoralize the industry of the people, leading to civil wars perhaps
more destructive than wars between nations.
If, as all advocates of world union realize, federalization cannot be
accomplished unless the several nations surrender powers believed to be
provocative, it is pertinent to inquire whether the present states' provocative
and pervasive power could not be taken from them without transferring such
power to a federated state. We believe that this can and must be done, and when
done, will accomplish far more than world political government. It involves
merely the recognition that world government already exists on the economic
plane, and that all political governments are arrayed in attack upon it far
more serious than their interstate wars. In fact, the latter are but the result
of the former.
All the peoples of the world is interested in exchange and eager to participate
therein. There is no conflict of ideologies here, nor any difference in
motives. But there is a confusion of tongues, in that the government of each
people compels its citizens to use a national monetary language which not only
necessitates translation one into another, but requires constant changes in the
interpretation of each internally as the state destabilizes the monetary unit
through counterfeit issues. Thus the states effect both international
separation and internal confusion.
When the people of the world have a common monetary language, completely freed
from every government, it will so facilitate and stabilize exchange that peace
and prosperity will ensue even without world government. With the state denied
its money diluting power, the ills that lead to strife and war will be removed.
A union of peoples rather than a union of political governments is what this
world needs.
The natural government that tends to unite rather than separate exists under the
natural laws of the personal enterprise system, namely, specialization of
labor, exchange, and competition. It is operative without any enactment. It
becomes mal-operative only when governments intervene to bias it. Hence we need
no man-made laws to establish it or control it; we need only the absence of
such laws to give it full sway. It happens that there are no political statutes
prohibiting the liberation of the natural government of man. Therefore, we may
proceed with this act of liberation without asking political action for either
the repeal or the enactment of statutes.
To implement the natural government of man, we need but establish a potentially
universal monetary language that has no national or political complexion, and
that is available to enterprisers in all parts of the world. Once such a
nonpolitical monetary system is in existence, it can depend upon the appeal to
self-interest to attract participants everywhere. Just to the extent that
traders do business through the nonpolitical system, will they diminish their
transactions in the political monetary system. By this process will political
moneys be abolished and the nonpolitical system triumph and society be united
on the economic plane. In other words, we need only invoke the law of
competition by giving enterprisers the opportunity to choose between a national
money and a universal one, between instability and stability, between
infidelity and fidelity, between hazard and surety, between impediment and
facility of exchange.
* See Max Ferrand, Records of The Constitution, Volume 2; E. H.
Scott, Madison’s Journal of the Constitution, Charles Morris, Making
of the Constitution.